One day the son of village head comes to her house and shows her high expectations that he will find her a job and give proper education to her children in the city. She obeys and goes with him but on the way she finds out that he is a girl tr@fficker and he was about to sell her too but fortunately she finds out about it.
Later she goes to a restaurant and finds a job for herself but she has no idea what she has to do. Her kids on the other hand wash dirty dishes. They want to study but are not able to. One day a man comes to the restaurant and he goes near the woman. He acts very $e*ual and the girl gets very angry The owner on the other hand forces her to have !nt*ercour$e with him. But she escaped from the man and finds another generous man to whom she tells her entire story.
At the end all the people who did such cr!me end up getting @rre$ted by police. Her kids on the other hand study and become big people who serve the nation.
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